Lonely Not Alone
Loneliness Awareness Week Australia
7-13 August 2023
New research reveals 1 in 3 Australians from all walks of life feel lonely, however community
misconceptions and stigma are preventing them from talking about it. Left unaddressed, loneliness can lead to reduced work productivity, chronic disease, mental ill health and even an earlier death. Chatty Cafe Australia is proud to partner with Ending Loneliness Together as they launch Australia’s first Loneliness Awareness Week, calling on all Australians to learn more about loneliness so we can support the millions of people who are #LonelyNotAlone and take steps towards building meaningful connections.
Listen to personal stories, download free practical resources and complete awareness training to feel more confident in spotting the signs someone is feeling lonely and supporting them to find connection.
Read the research and get involved: www.lonelinessawarenessweek.com.au