Cloverdale Community Centre

Cloverdale Community Centre is a Neighbourhood House located in the northern Geelong suburb of Corio. Cloverdale was incorporated in 1994 as a not-for-profit incorporated association, governed by a voluntary Committee of Management made up of local residents and organisation representative.

Cloverdale strives to be an integral part of the local community, working within the principles of community development and social justice, providing a welcoming environment that is inclusive and accessible to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.

Cloverdale provides quality Adult Community Education as a Learn Local organisation, encouraging adult learners to develop their skills and knowledge and overcome barriers to education and employment. We have partnerships with other education providers, including The Gordon TAFE, to provide our learners with pathways to further training.

Our programs and activities provide opportunities for individual and community expression, social and cultural interaction and personal achievement. We provide a space where people can develop networks and supportive relationships and become active citizens in the community.

Cloverdale receives State Government funding through the Neighbourhood House Co-ordination Program as well as a Neighbourhood House grant from the City of Greater Geelong, which also provides the building.

Cloverdale Community Centre is a Learn Local Organisation supported by the Adult Community & Further Education (ACFE) Board and is part of the Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Centres and a member of Neighbourhood Houses Victoria.

Type of Venue


Chatty Table Availability

Mon-Fri 9am-3.30pm


167-169 Purnell Rd, Corio VIC 3214
PH: 0352754415

Wheelchair Accessible

How to Find Us

More Information

For more information including opening hours and contact details visit the links below (these will take you away from the Chatty website).
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