Venue Dashboard

Venue listings costs $25 to $50 (ex GST). Please select an option below to pay for your listing. Once you’ve made payment you’ll be able to submit your venue. If you have already registered your venue, it will appear in the list beneath the options below.

Option 1.
Your Chatty Table Provided

Your venue provides a specific Chatty Table for Chatty Customers on set times/dates, with the option for a Volunteer to host the table and welcome Chatty Customers to chat. You are registering your venue as a caring, friendly, welcoming, safe and respectful location for Chatty Customers.
  • Listing – on the Chatty Café Australia “Find a Chatty Table” website.
  • Profile – Social Media profiling by Chatty Café Australia.
  • Customer Appreciation – for your community welfare focus
  • Potential for new Customers- who may become regulars.
  • Chatty Volunteer registration, induction, management, communication.

Promotional Material inclusive of:

  • 4 x Chatty table signs
  • 2 x A4 posters (Chatty Table time)
  • 1 x A3 poster (Chatty Table time)
  • 2 x Window stickers (small Chatty logos)
  • 10 x Chatty Brochures
  • 1 x Welcome letter
  • 1 x With Compliments slip

Option 2.

Window Sticker Only - Registration of your venue as a caring, friendly, welcoming, safe and respectful place for community members to drop in for a "sip & chat" with staff, as well as others who choose to chat. No specific Chatty table required!
  • Listing – A listing on the Chatty Café Australia “Find a Chatty Table” website.
  • Profile – Social Media profiling by Chatty Café Australia.
  • Customer Appreciation – for your community welfare focus
  • Potential for new Customers- who may become regulars.
  • 1 x 200mm UV laminated glossy 1-2 year Chatty Café
  • Window Sticker ($20 annually)

NOTE: No specific “Chatty Table” time required and no “Chatty Volunteer” provided.

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